RETETE IN LIMBA ENGLEZA - Endive or Escarole Soup


1 bunch of endive or escarole
2 cups broth
a pinch of hot chili
abundant grated parmesan


Many people use the white heart of endive for salads and do not know what to do with the outer, tougher leaves. This is a good way to recicle them in a tasty way. This soup is also very good for your health. Wash well the endive, chop coarsely and boil in abundant water until tender. Drain well, also squeeze with your hands. Add to the broth. Bring to boil and simmer for about 1/2 hour, adding salt as desired. Serve hot, sprinkled with abundant grated parmesan.

Cuvinte cheie: Endive or Escarole Soup recipes reteta andive in engleza reteta endive reteta andive supa de midii reteta midii in engleza