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Manastirea Golia


Este manastire de calugari, 11 vietuitori, reinfiintata in 1991, cu hramul "Inaltarea Domnului" (la 40 de zile dupa Pasti). Se afla in municipiul Iasi, jud. Iasi

Manastirea Golia manastire de calugari hramul Inaltarea Domnului municipiul Iasi jud. Iasi Ioan si Ana Golia max articulatii medicament

Manastirea Maxineni


Se afla in localitatea Maxineni din judetul Braila. Este mãnãstire de cãlugãri, întemeiatã de Matei Basarab în 1640.

Manastirea Maxineni localitatea Maxineni judetul Braila Nasterea Sfântului Ioan Botezãtorul hramul max articulatii medicament

Ciorba de peste


1 crap de 1,5 kg -2 kg (eu de obicei cumpar gata curatat si taiat felii)
Peste marunt , sau bucátzi de peste diferit (somn, pastrav etc).
1 ceapa mare , boia
putin ardei iute, sare

Click pentru modul de preparare

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La doctor

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Logica feminina

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Soferul vigilent


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Andre Rieu si Gheorghe Zamfir - Moment emotionant la Maastricht

 Andre Rieu si Gheorghe Zamfir - Moment emotionant la Maastricht

Doua legende ale muzicii alaturi de 70 de artisiti din Romania si o orchestra fac un spectacol deosebit.

Andre Rieu si Gheorghe Zamfir - Moment emotionant la Maastricht.

Andre Rieu Gheorghe Zamfir Moment emotionant Maastricht max articulatii medicament

Travel Channel Wild Carpathia I HD Episodul 1

 Travel Channel Wild Carpathia I HD Episodul 1 


Charlie Ottley ventures deep into the breath-taking but little known mountains and forests of Carpathia. Home to bears, wolves and the elusive lynx, this is perhaps the last great wilderness in Europe, seen as never before. Charlie provides a unique insight into the scenic beauty and rich culture of the region, exploring its chequered history from the mystical ruins of the ancient Dacian civilisations to its medieval communities, the heritage of which survives intact to this day. In his quest to find remote villages, cross mountains and spot bears in the wild, Charlie meets a range of colourful characters including shepherds, artists, eco-warriors, craftsmen, trackers, even a Count. Wild Carpathia captures the fragile majesty of a unique eco-system and show why it deserves to be preserved in all its glory for the benefit of future generations. 

Wild Carpathia is a stunning documentary about a little-known part of Europe. Romania has a huge virtually-untouched area of mountains almost the size of Britain. It is the heavily-forested home to some of Europe's most exciting species, including alpine Chamois, and particularly large carnivores like Brown Bears, Wolves and the elusive Lynx. Much of the area is a time-capsule with an almost-medieval life-style. 

Wild Carpathia takes you deep into these Transylvania forests and mountains. Presented by Charlie Ottley, it follows his quest to find remote villages, cross mountains and spot bears in the wild. During this journey he meets a dedicated group of individuals whose passion for this area is helping to redefine its importance as one of the great surviving wonders of the natural world. These include a Transylvanian Count, who is working to conserve some of the most ancient of Carpathia's medieval villages and HRH The Prince of Wales, who can trace his ancestry back to Romania's dark and distant past.

about transilvania transilvania max articulatii medicament

Un film despre Romania de altadata.

Un film despre Romania de altadata.



viral media video romania altadata max articulatii medicament

Morometii modernizat

Filmul a fost prezentat la cea de zecea Gala a Premiilor Gopo, care a avut loc luni seara, si este o parodie a filmului din 1987. Victor Rebengiuc il portretizeaza si de aceasta data pe Ilie Moromete.

Filmul ne prezinta cum s-ar desfasura actiunea din romanul lui Marin Preda in zilele noastre.

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morometii 2016 premiile gopo max articulatii medicament